Center of Excellence for Martial Arts, Fitness, & Weight Loss since 2007

I trained for a month at RDS in August (...37...never done any exercise before.. if you remember!) Sorry this email is a little later than planned - time goes so quickly when you are travelling . Since I left the school I've been trekking in Southern China (Tiger Leaping Gorge is beautiful) and camping in the jungle and zip lining in Laos. I can only assume the regime at the school must have got me in good shape for what's come since!
When people ask me what my favourite part of my trip is so far i always cite my time at Rising Dragon (Hidden Heart attack!) school as one of my highlights. I'm still not sure what kind of parallel universe i decided to enter when signing up. I expect i told you that the most exercise i'd done before that was more than a year ago and amounted to a weekly zumba class!!! But after getting over the sheer pain, horror and abject dread about everything Shaolin Kung Fu and the 5.30am morning circuits could offer - i actually really enjoyed it.

I was one of those kids at school who was absolutely terrible at ALL sports - and always got picked last for every team (no surprise there....) Well i don't think any of my sporting skills improved that much and i'm pretty sure i was still the slowest, weakest and definitely the OLDEST at the school!!! but i was never made to feel like that by the other students. And for probably the first time i got to experience what doing sport in a non judgmental and supportive environment felt like - where doing your own personal best was what was encouraged. I'd never done any running before so even for me just completing 13k without stopping was an amazing feeling and taught me such a valuable lesson - about what we and aren't capable of achieving if we put our minds to it.
I thought the way that all of the students helped and coached each other made for a really great culture and they certainly kept me going for the short time that i was there. So thanks to you and also to them for a fantastic experience and wishing you the best of luck for the future with the school and any other projects you may have on the go,
all the best,
ps i will never look at a staircase the same way again!